The Portland Radio Guide |
What people said about Portland radio:
January to June 1998
(latest to earliest)
Tuesday, June 30, 1998 9:05 AM
Prescott on KNRK?! What a joke and ruining of a very good show. Not only
was he a guest after he got canned from KUFO (and rightly so) he then
joins KNRK. Then he takes over the show. Now there are no morning shows
that play good music and have a great personality. Prescott sux and
can't even hold a candle to Mike and Daria - and he has no taste in
music. He should be lost somewhere on A.M. and doesn't belong with the
big boys on F.M. Thank God for CD's and news. If anyone else feels this
way write KNRK (go to
Former KNKR lisenter - current CD listener.
Tuesday, June 23, 1998 10:01 PM
I still can't believe Earth 105 is gone. I listened to Earth more than any
other station. They were the only station that still played rock in the
mornings. I hate listening to a bunch of crappy talk in the morning. I want my
rock 'n' roll to get me going while I get ready for work !!!!!! This totally
sucks and so does Rosie's 105. I hope someone has the good sense to start a
station with pure rock 'n' roll with NO annoying senseless talk.
Disappointed in Portland Radio
Wednesday, June 17, 1998 11:08 AM
Okay - it's too bad that Prescott got replaced by Howard Stern. Who
cares what's going on in New York anyway. But why did he have to ruin
the best station in town? Why did he have to move in on Mike and Daria
at KNRK? The reason I - and many others - didn't listen to Prescott on
101 was because he's so immature and not even funny. Now that's 3
morning radio shows that are off my list (92.3, 101.1, 94.7). At least
there are two half way decent ones left - 107.5 (as long as the hosts
don't try to be funny) and 105.1 (yes, I like the new format of 105.1
though I liked the old format better). Guess I'll get out the CDs. Who
needs radio anyway?
Friday, June 12, 1998 10:04 AM
Just moved to portland, and I found your page a great resource for stations and such...keep it up!
Tuesday, June 09, 1998 9:40 AM
Just wondering if you folks might be able to shed some
light as to why KKRH, 105.1 has changed format in the last
week, without any warning. Quite a few folks are really
bummed, for lack of a better term, and just wondering
what happened. Thank you for your time and possible insight.
Best Regards~
Kimberly Brown
Monday, June 08, 1998 9:03 AM
This is a comment regarding KEWS AM 620 news channel in Portland.
I am a native of India, currently working as an engineer in Beaverton. I
found the news channel's asinine talk about India's nuclear tests very
The people at the radio station do not have any idea about what they are
talking/saying. They think it's a given right to criticize anyone whom
they do not like.
Impersonating Appu is nothing but outrageous, these guys do not know
anything about our country or culture.
I will never listen to 620 again, the channel is a disgrace to the city
of Portland.
Friday, June 05, 1998 10:37 PM
Where the hell did the radio station go? The one I was listening to on
the way to work this morning? Earth 105! I like all kinds of music, BUT
whoever bought and killed the best station in Portland can jump off the
bridge, just like the poor soul who jumped into 405 on Friday in rush
hour and killed himself. In fact, maybe he did it because some asshole
took his music away. This is the day the music died.
Well, I just turned the BS new station back on to show my wife and they
were playing some classic Def Leppard, which is cool, but they were
playing total CRAP all afternoon. What gives? I want Earth Back!!
Do you know what happened?
Sunday, May 31, 1998 5:59 PM
It would shure be great if you included E-mail address listings for talk
show hosts in Portland. I'm looking for Victoria Taft's address. I
know she's on the net because I've received mail from her but lost the
address. Maybe these address listings could be part of the station
listings at the stations disgretion. Thanks
Mark Hardy
Sunday, May 31, 1998 2:53 AM
I am the producer of a Talk radio program in Portland, OR. The station
is a non-commercial station. It's letters are KPSU, AM 1450. IT is
every Thursday from 6pm to 7pm. The host is James P. Whinston.
We would appreciate it if you would list this program on you site:
KPSU buys time from KBPS. We broadcast from 5pm to 2am daily.
The stations web site is http;//
The listing for our guest are at:
Thank you,
Paul R. Doyle
Saturday, May 30, 1998 5:45 PM
For the past couple of editions my "FM Atlas" has featured a dial history of
Portland FM radio--from 1949 through 1997. It mentions stations that have
deleted, left the air and then returned, or construction permits that failed
to materialize, as well as stations currently on the air, along with format
and slogan information. Most of the information is in table format with
paragraph-formatted information filling most of the remainder of pages 222-223
in the book.
Portland is the only market to be included in this national publication,
although several other market histories exist in my database. The FM Atlas is
a print publication, 224 pp., with maps and directories listing call letters,
frequency, whether or not a station has stereo, formats and other information.
The current, 17th ed. is $18.50 from "FM Atlas," PO Box 336, Esko MN
55733-9413. I sent Pete Schulberg of the Oregonian a blurb about the book but
he has not chosen to mention it in his column.
Sincerely, bruce elving at FmAtlas@com
Thursday, May 28, 1998 3:45 PM
I have been listening to the Joey Reynolds show. He has been featuring a
guest, Bijion who has written a book called, "Effortless Prosperity". I am
trying to find this book -- do you know where I can purchase it?
Any help would be appreciated.
N. Newton
e-mail: N newton
Wednesday, May 27, 1998 3:14 PM
I hate to admit the fact but you made a serious mistake taking on Don and Mike , they are going or are currently making your life a living hell it should help your ratings though. We the listeners will get a big kick out of watching you squirm like an amateur you guys are, I would start looking for work.
Radio God Disciple
Tuesday, May 26, 1998 7:03 PM
It's been interesting, in my opinion, the changes in the morning programs
offered by each station in the last 6 months. Do you have info from
Arbitron about how these programs compare to each other? Are you planning
to add this to your station rankings?
Bryan Monson, Web-guy
Young Jocks on the Go!
Sunday, May 24, 1998 6:28 PM
PLEASE HELP. We Need your help in finding "AirChecks" of the late
Wolfman Jack or radio shows .Any Wolfman stuff.
"His jingles"
"Voice tracks"
Photos........WE WEll BUY. & soon
Sunday, May 24, 1998 12:03 PM
Hey, I like the site alot! Thanks for putting it up.
I just wanted to thank KOTK for putting Dr. Toni on head to head against
that wich Dr. Laura, and for putting Imus on head to head with Stern, and
The Fat One. How are the ratings shaking out anyway? I would hope that Dr.
Toni and Imus are kicking a**.
One other thing. I was disappointed that KOTK took off Adrian Byrd on
Saturdays in favor of those movie dorks they have one now. Some friends and
I played "radio host" when I was in the 4th grade, and we were funnier and
more professional than these guys. Sure, there's Jim Jorgenson's financial
show on Sunday, but Adrian was much more friendly.
Hey KOTK-- bring Adrian back!
Otherwise I love the station.
Bill McGair
Tuesday, May 19, 1998 1:19 PM
You have an outstanding site with LOTS of interesting information about
Portland radio stations. I wish that there was something like it covering
the Greater Seattle area.
But the reason that I looked through your site was that I am looking for the
website and/or the E-Mail address for KKSN and the same for their owner
Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you!
Eric Olson
Tuesday, May 12, 1998 9:34 AM
Hi there---we're almost to the 90's! No Realaudio feed yet, but at least
103 has a website. It's..
and a thing of beauty it is too.
Thanks...we all enjoy the Portland Radio your audio files,
listener comments, and the rest..
John Erickson
Tuesday, May 12, 1998 4:34 AM
We're new to Portland, Oregon and are trying to find the station
that Bruce Williams is on
Monday, May 11, 1998 7:29 PM
Hi people... I think KPAM (860 am) is the best radio station too. Like the
person who wrote something before me, I also think it should be an FM station.
It's way better than some of the other FM ones on the dial right now. There's
like 3 country stations ... who needs those! Just kidding....
Heather (
Saturday, May 09, 1998 7:32 PM
Hi, most weekends I'm receiving Portland radio station "Sunny 1520" down
here in New Zealand, on 25.950 MHz. It plays great music and I'd like
to send the station a reception report and obtain details about their
transmission schedule on this frequency. Are you able to provide me
with details on how to contact them, either by e-mail or post.
Thanks in advance,
Craig Gubbins (ZL2WCG)
Wellington, New Zealand
Sunday, May 03, 1998 1:59 PM
where can I find the website for 620 k news kews? would like a reply !!
Saturday, May 02, 1998 12:45 PM
Can you tell me where ESPN Radio is located in the Portland area? Thank
Gary Wright
Troutdale, Or
Friday, May 01, 1998 3:30 PM
Great page. Having worked in broadcasting in Seattle -- KOL and KVI --
in the 60s and 70s, your airchecks caught my attention.
Now... for what it's worth....
Back in the 50s, the trip from Seattle to Portland on old 99 was an
event. My family made the trip periodically to visit my grandparents in
On the way out of Portland, I remember a huge sign -- painted on the
side of a building -- very close to the highway.Seems to me it featured
giant bright red lips on a yellow background, and the words "Portland
Loves KISN!"
Now that I'm in my 50s, my memories of the 50s aren't all that vivid,
but I'll throw this in ... as I said... for what it's worth.
Look forward to the KISN airchecks. Still keep in touch with Tom Murphy
Bill Taylor
Monday, May 04, 1998 12:21 PM
KKSN Stop that! You changed frequencies and didn't tell me.
Thursday, April 30, 1998 10:48 PM
Since Bill is being "forced" out by either the Blazers, or Jacor (which I
work for, and I tend to believe it's the Blazers...) could you get some
great clips from his days with the Blazers (could be the days from KYTE
970, KEX or KGW)... Also, I am a big hockey fan.. Any chance some clips
from either the old Buckaroos (if I remember, it was Bill Anderson on KOIN
97 or 1520 KYXI) and Cliff Zhauner from the KYXI days could be included??
Jim Kimball
Newsradio 630 KIDO, Boise...
Wednesday, April 29, 1998 7:10 PM
Hey All!
A big thanx to you for picking up Tom Leykis...
Help me, Help you... I commute 2 hours a day, & nothin makes I-5 go
faster than Tom!
The Tri-met advertising is Awesome... But won't last forever.
We need Bumper stickers! (the cling kind)
I wanna know who else out there is a "Loyal Leykis Listener!"
Help me convince my "30-something" friends that talk radio isn't what it
use to be! I tell everyone about your station, but i don't think they
even give it a try...
Tuesday, April 21, 1998 10:24 PM
I think one of the best stations in Portland right now is KPAM (860 am). They
have good music, and great people as DJ's. The only problem is that it
doesn't sound as clear as the FM stations. I wish that KPAM could be on an FM
station. Is it cheaper to be on AM or something?
Sunday, April 19, 1998 10:43 PM
A copy of a letter I sent to Rush LimbaughRush;
I have a lot of respect for you (except for your consistent emphasis
on cigars, which to me are totally offensive and smell worse than
burning manure). Your opinions are 99% right on and I wish more
Liberals would take the time to listen to you.
On our local station KEWS you do a short commercial for their
late afternoon talk show host, Bill Gallagher. I consider this comparable
to Peggy Fleming promoting Tanya Harding.
Bill Gallagher is rude to his callers when they disagree with him. When
a caller makes a statement which may not be backed up with
irrefutable fact, Bill has a sneering chuckle which makes the caller
feel embarrassed. Or if someone states an opinion based on a piece
of information they have heard, Bill will not accept it unless they
give him chapter and verse where they heard it. In fact he will
nag at them: "Give me the facts! Where are the facts?'
Beside Bill Gallagher you are the epitome of sophistication and
courtesy. It's too bad you have to promote a person of his ilk.
Sunday, April 19, 1998 5:01 PM
With all the sales around town (even Linda Wiegant getting rid of KKEY),
it seems that Portland is going the way of the rest of the world. One
of the last holdouts of local programming, Portland is now no different
from SF, LA, etc. It's a sad day, but at least Dimmitt is still around.
--David Kaye
former talkhost
Friday, April 17, 1998 7:38 PM
RUSH, yes..... Dr.Laura, yes..... Michael Regan, yes..... Leykus, you're
kidding, right??? Imus & Fred, losers.....keep the guests and
Saturday, April 11, 1998 4:25 PM
Very nice job on the Portland Radio site! I appreciate the work you've put
into it. Sure brought back alot of memories. In one way it seems like a
billion years ago, and in another, it's like it was yesterday. Someday when
I clean out the garage I may find some other old Portland radio airchecks
for you. Take care...
Wednesday, April 08, 1998 9:26 AM
How do I e-mail Victoria Taft?
Friday, April 03, 1998 12:35 AM
...especially on Sundays. I like to listen to Online Today With David
Lawrence. AM620 has been carrying the show since the days when they
were KOTK. Nowadays, it seems they prefer to air reruns of the
loud-mouthed one (Rush, ok?) until noon, delaying the 1st hour of Online
Today. Still, not too bad. I get to hear the whole show eventually...
The last two weeks, however, the goofy bastards have simply dropped the
tape-delay, aired only the second hour of the program, and then gone to
"David Essel Alive" an hour early. Hey! I'm feeling kind of
short-changed, here! Essel is okay, but I want my geek fix, allright?
And who the hell trained Roger Pike? This local bozo at KEWS can't even
keep the name of the program or the name of the host straight. Some
weeks, it's "Online with David Lawrence". Other times, it's "America
Online with David Essel". I must admit, I have heard him get it right
at least ONCE. Often as not, Pike will lead in to Essel's program by
telling us more of "Online Today" is coming up.
Yeah, I know, good help is hard to find. Must be, if KEWS is actually
paying Roger Pike to show up for work.
Wednesday, April 01, 1998 1:25 PM
Prescott, Jackson and Tawn should start their very own station. Maybe
Lars could help them out??? Just a thought. I've found myself shutting
the radio off in the morning because of the garbage thats on. I hope
they turn in Portland somewhere.
Tuesday, March 31, 1998 4:02 PM
I would like to suggest that you create a more interesting for Station KEWS
620, Portland, OR. It would be alot more interesting if biographies and
pictures could be shown of the locals here in Portland and links to the
others that are on the show.
Thank you in advance for you consideration. It is always fun to see what
these people look like and something about them after hearing them on the
Sincerely, Bonnie Howard
Saturday, March 28, 1998 11:29 PM
Hello Station Manager,
I am a Seattle Psychic I have just relocated to the Portland area
permanently. I have done quite a few radio & talk shows.
I am wondering who I would talk to about some local shows that may be
interested in my services to benefit both of us.
Here is my website address to gain more information concerning my
Please let me know if you can help me or know of someone who would be
interested in helping me establish in this town.
Tonya Somers
Thursday, March 26, 1998 11:38 AM
Dear Portland Radio Guide,
As an Account Executive with OLDIES 1090 / 105.3 KOOL FM, I find it very
interesting that multi ownership stations have developed a strategy in
positioning radio in your marketplace. Is there information, roadblocks,
stories, possinle contacts, research that would assist me in begining the
process with our own station.I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Create an Opportunity,
Mike Peever
Account Executive
OLDIES 1090 / 105.3 KOOL FM
CHUM Group Radio
Sunday, March 22, 1998 7:58 PM
Friday, March 20, 1998 1:18 PM
One of America's leading Adult Contemporary Christian music stations is
available in Portland. Try it out on 88.7 (Cherryville);1040,93.1& 96.3
(Portland); 102.5 (Gresham)
Sunday, March 15, 1998 9:06 PM
When the hell is this country going to wise-up to the insideousness of the
Telecommunications Act of 1994? Once again the rich get richer at the
expense of the common citizens--this time with the demise of 2 long-time
Portland Personalities-Prescott and Anchetta.
Do you realize that only 3 (THREE!) corporations own the MAJORITY OF RADIO
STATIONS IN PORTLAND? Where's Free Enterprise come into play? It's been
abolished because of this act. And who suffers? YOU AND I!
It's time to get as mad as hell and write your Sentators and
Representatives and tell them to BUST UP THE MONOPOLY that has been created
by the Telecommunications Act. Otherwise you can kiss locally controlled,
locally centered radio goodbye forever. And don't forget all those PROFITS
aren't being re-invested here--hell no! They're being spent out of state.
Just look at the radio ownership pages and you'll see.
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. You're seeing that practiced in radio
every day here in Portland, Oregon. And if you listen to radio, you'd
better damn well care--because now a very few large corporations in this
country are going to feed you the bullshit they want you to hear and
believe---no more objectivity no more creativity, no more broadcasting in
the public's interest---now it's all a profit game. And that's a sin, more
than shame!
Saturday, March 14, 1998 10:06 AM
Found your site a couple of weeks ago. I have found myself coming back
because I love radio and your site provides solid info without going
overboard on graphics and useless junk.
Do you plan on posting the ratings of syndicated shows like Leykis, Imus,
Mark & Brian, etc. for the Portland area?
Just curious...
Saturday, March 14, 1998 4:39 AM
I used to listen to the Dr. Demento show a long time ago, and then when
I heard that it was being played again on 105.1 KKRH ( Earth 105) I was
excited! It was on Saturday mornings at 6:00. Then one morning
(3-14-98) it wasn't on. Neadless to say that I was upset because I was
looking forward to getting off work and kicking back to the good old
doctor. If you can tell me what happened I would greatly appreciate it.
A lot of people that I know listen to it, so I'm not the only one. It
is a must to get him back on the air. Thank you for taking time to read
Jacob Chance
Thursday, March 12, 1998 7:12 PM
To match the others writen in "The Portland Radio Guide". Well
I will keep this interesting link bookmarked....Thanks again
Tuesday, March 10, 1998 7:02 AM
I have been a devote listener of the Bill Prescott Morning Show on 101.1 KUFO
for years. Imagine my surprise/disgust when tuning in on 3/9/98 to find they
replaced a well loved local with Howard Stern. A great many of my friends and
I have changed stations for morning shows dur to this. That's my 2 cents.
Dano. Oh
Monday, March 09, 1998 10:24 PM
I want to thank ARS & KUFO for bringing Howard Stern to the Great
Pacific Northwest. Its about time. Lets just hope he stay's in
Portland. Now if we get some good old cowboy music & KWBY back in
business, I'll be happier than a pig in, well you get the picture. Good
to see the Portland Radio market get some backbone, and start playing
with the big boy's.
Any truth that Larry Coats is planning a return to the Portland
Monday, March 09, 1998 5:29 PM
I don't think KUFO made a wise decision on this Stern deal. I liked
Prescott's show because it was local. I have nothing against Stern, but
he is all the way back in NYC. I liked the traffic, weather, news, and
sports. Stern talked about nothing.
What about the time slot? 3am-10am? From 3-6 is live and the last 4
hours are taped. One of those hours is played for a total of 3 times!
Bad choice KUFO
Get Prescott back
Sunday, March 08, 1998 4:23 AM
Stern took my job!
Portland radio "veteran" BILL JACKSON now available.....
(i'll do anything the law allows)
Friday, March 06, 1998 9:00 AM
I would like to know what AM radio station in the Portland area hosts the Don McDonald show. It is a financial talk show with mutual funds the main topic.
Thursday, March 05, 1998 10:16 AM
I work in downtown Portland, and there's a loud & clear station at 104.1
which is not listed on your list. They don't have a DJ, and so far today,
have only played Middle-Eastern music. It also interferes with the
stations above 104.1, and even some in the lower ranges.
Do you know if it's a legit station, or if it should be reported?
Carol Suelzle
Tuesday, February 24, 1998 8:56 AM
It would **really** help if you provided links to the various radio
stations. I am trying to send e-mail to KEWS registering my great
affection for Dr. Laura and Rush and my vigorous antipathy to Trevor, the
morning radio show host.
Rod Weston
Monday, February 16, 1998 11:41 AM
I am intersted in tracking down a rumor that Garrison Keillor is
scheduled to appear ain Portlan sometime in March. I heard this on KOPB
during their recent membership drive? Can you tell me who to contact if
you can't verify this for me? I guess the protlan station doesn't have
its own website. Sandy.
Saturday, February 14, 1998 12:58 PM
The website for 101 KUFO is
Friday, February 13, 1998 9:57 PM
Who died and made Lars god? Lars, read the last line below:
Whoever the smartass is who ads his own smartassed editorial comments
on KOTK during the local news blurbs: Go away! I don't need your
comments. If you're so in love with being an idiot, go join the
Wednesday, February 11, 1998 10:08 PM
I am a 28 year old female and I am thoroughly disappointed in the new
format of 95.5 fm. for the last year I have listened to Scottie and
Marie in the morning, they were entertaining but not stupid, they
reported unbiased news and played a great mix of music. I always looked
forward to the morning drive getting me through the week, and Aloha
Friday was a great way to start the weekend. The new format is
excessively boring, sounds like an AM station on FM radio.
Unfortunately, now I have to turn the dial to Z100 of which the DJ's bug
me to no end, but the music is a tad more uplifting than James Taylor in
the morning. I miss the 95.5 I was used of.
One lost listener.
Wednesday, February 11, 1998 8:41 PM
Dear Mr. Rusk,
You sent the following to the Portland Radio Guide:
> ...while many Portland area stations have boosted to 50,000 watts
> after coming on the air, the new KPAM (880 kHz) is the first station
> in Portland to ever sign on with an initial authorization of 50,000.
> Do you know if this is true?
I think you are correct. Two great information sources are:
1) Jeff Miller's Broadcasting History Collection, which contains many
old station lists, at
2) Old copies of the Oregon Blue Book at most Oregon Libraries. They
started listing broadcast stations in the 1951-52 edition.
Among the current 50,000 watt stations in the Portland area, the 1951-52
Oregon Blue Book lists the following:
KEX 1190 50,000w
KGON 1230 250w, Oregon City (now KFXX 1520)
KWJJ 1080 10,000w (now KOTK)
KXL 750 10,000w
The 57-58 Blue Book shows KGON at 1520 with 10,000 watts.
KEX appears to be Portland's, and Oregon's first 50Kw station. However,
a Department of Commerce radio list from 1927, found at Jeff Miller's
website, shows KEX at 1250 with 2,500 watts. Therefore, KPAM would be
the first to be 50Kw at original sign-on.
Very few pre-WWII stations are still on their original frequencies, none
in Portland.
Randy Painter
Eugene OR
Wednesday, February 11, 1998 12:33 PM
Is there any chance AM620 KEWS Radio will add more locally produced talk
programming during the week?
Wednesday, February 11, 1998 3:53 AM
It would be helpful if you could place the exact location (Lat. & Long.)
of Transmitter locations of listed stations. This data sould be
accessible from FCC files. I can't seem to find same and if I could
find it it would be on a station to station basis and not compiled
for Portland, Or. Would be helpful in tracking down intermod problems.
Comments? CKS K7TPO
Sunday, February 08, 1998 12:39 AM
1] Please provide me an e-mail address for 'Handel' and his "Handel
on the law show".
2] Please provide me an e-mail address for the 'Lawyer referal
service' that handel and his friends started in Sthrn Cal, and are
setting up to take Nation wide.
Information helpful for each person listed, for each of the
shows, should include [each shows] 'Caller Talk phone #' and [each
shows] 'fax #' and [each shows] snail mail address.
Thank you,
Friday, February 06, 1998 5:17 PM
I'd suggest that KXL is local ownership (Les Smith). You might want to
call Tim M.
Friday, February 06, 1998 10:04 PM
Hi Dan,
Thanks for putting our schedule up, here's the latest:
5:30-9am David Shult & Marie Dodds
9am-2pm Me
2-7pm Scott Tom
7p-12mid Ruby Blake
12mid-5:30am Barbara Voight
Keep up the good work.
Randy O'Neil
Friday, February 06, 1998 12:07
Why don't you list under Portland Radio Ownership, Crawford Broadcasting
Company, which ownes two 5,000 watts stations, AM 1330 KKPZ (K-Praise),
AM 1290 KKSL and the new 10,000 watts station, AM 1640 KKJY (K-Joy),
which is the 2nd new AM band release from the FCC. These stations are
very popular within the Portland/Vancouver metro area.
For more information, call James Autry at 242-
Thursday, February 05, 1998 4:27 PM
There wasn't a link to any KKCW page. Do you know of any page or info they may
have on the web? Please get back to me.
Thanks, Sara
Thursday, February 05, 1998 2:48 PM
"Portland's First News" is no longer anchored by Neal Penland. He is a
full-time street reporter. (Darn good at it, I might add.) You do a
great job with this site. Thanks.
Wednesday, February 04, 1998 12:34 AM
I am an Oregon writer for the trade paper Radio World and am trying to
verify a tidbit of info. It is my understanding that while many
Portland area stations have boosted to 50,000 watts after coming on the
air, the new KPAM (880 kHz) is the first station in Portland to ever
sign on with an initial authorization of 50,000.
Do you know if this is true?
Bob Rusk
Tuesday, February 03, 1998 12:45 PM
Why are we getting reruns of Joy Browne at night? I really get tired of
hearing the same conversations. Either she is no longer on the air or you
run her program longer than she is actually on and have to repeat her
So what is going on.
Jan Wells
Saturday, January 31, 1998 9:11 AM
It looks as if Earth 105 does not have a e-mail site.
I am wondering why that station continues to play the same tunes everyday and
why they dont play other pieces of music by the same groups.Coming from SF Bay
Area where we have a choice it is quite strange to hear the same songs
everyday when everyone knows that Rock and Roll has a distinct history of
music that is important to the world.I have yet to hear "White Rabbit" or "We
Built This City" by the Starship for a example. Is that station programed to
play the same song over and over again? Reminds me of the days of Payola in
the 50's!
Thursday, January 29, 1998 11:06 AM
would like to see what happoened to kxl when they lost RUSH.
Tuesday, January 27, 1998 11:43 AM
Newly posted on - a Real Don Steele retrospective
including 10 mins. of scoped check from KISN. Good quality, several KISN
jings, part of an old Franz bread spot. Would make a great addition to your
PDX old radio archives if you can get clearance.
I've enjoyed your site - keep it up!
Regards, Bob Barker
the Black Hole of cyberspace -
Saturday, January 24, 1998 12:15 PM
Hey All!
Cool web page! Well, I am the queen of media now, (in my own head anyway,
LOL) now that I bought the old KKEY radio station, things will be moving ahead
at a rapid clip!
We painted the walls, put in clean, new carpeting, (the place is smelling
pretty good!) and will be installing new equipment in the next week. Looks
like our current vintage equipment, (pre 1960 for you radio philes) may be
finding its final resting place in the Portland advertising museum. All in
all, it's gonna be pretty exciting.
More change is on the way, I'll keep you posted, but right now I have to
figure out where I put that lysol......
Friday, January 23, 1998 2:18 AM
TO: (Dan Packard)
FROM: markw@hevanet (Mark Warrington)
I sure enjoyed my first visit to the Portland Radio Guide web site.
Congratulations on producing such a great site.
I'm trying to get in touch with a former (?) Portland radio personality -
Paul Hanson. Do you know where he is these days?
Thanks in advance for your reply, Mark
Tuesday, January 20, 1998 6:37 PM
Friday, January 16, 1998 5:23 PM
I found in the fcc database that KFXX 1520 raised their nightime power from
10,000watts to 15,000 watts.
Friday, January 16, 1998 3:07 PM
I really enjoy KKSN morning show . I feel bad that the mocho men are
so far behind the other gender, the femails. Don"t give up hope you
men . we are still vary much wanted and needed by the ladies. We have
to keep them continue thinking that we are fighting real hard to be
smarter than them so they will always feel sorry for us even though we
know that we have more going on upstairs than they'll ever know.
I listen to your show while working as a US West installer repairman
daily. You guys and gals help make my days fulfilled and joyful.
Pease play the beep beep song at a perfectly placed time in the near
future. Could you play some of Ray Stevens too?
Wednesday, January 14, 1998 7:27 PM
Hey all you Portland talk show freaks, you have to tune in to K-news on
Saturdays from 3:00 to 6:00 PM for HANDEL on the LAW. I know if you
have a life, Saturday evening is a busy time but, I think you find this
show as entertaining as Dr. Laura except with a legal twist! Bill Handel
is a Chicano/Jew Attorney with a wonderful sense of humor. I wish him
luck as he is apparently "small potatoes" just starting to pick up
stations nationally. K-news, please hang onto this guy! C.Anderson
Wednesday, January 07, 1998 10:50 PM
I wonder if you know, or maybe Craig at KISN...What is the longest period of
time a station in the Portland metro area was owned and operated by the same
The reason I ask is somewhat self serving...KKEY, Portland, was owned and
operated by the Weagant family from July 4th, 1954 to December 31st
1997...although I had nothing to do with the station since 1987.
43 years, that might be a record.
- Todd
Wednesday, January 07, 1998 11:02 PM
Which radio station plays Clitons weekly address?
Wednesday, January 07, 1998 5:10 PM
My wife and I enjoyed Deal Edell and really miss hearing him locally.
While at the coast the last few days, we find that he is on KNPT in
Newport where he has been for some time. Whom would I best contact to
make known our interest in having his program available locally again?
Thanks for any ideas you can give us.
Herb and Joan Hansen
Monday, January 05, 1998 3:26 PM
To: Program Manager
You took off 3 of my favorite shows: Hightower, Mason, For the People by
Chuck Harder. Now you're just like any other boring talk station. I'll
look around to find another station to carry Chuch Harder and put an ad
in the Oregonian to show where he'll be found. Harder is in my opinion
the most informative program in the US containing real uncut news. What
on earth could you be thinking off? You made a bad move and now you're
going to loose a lot of customers.
Mark Hardy
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