Twisting the Dial -- 1998
stories ordered latest to earliest from the year
- New local night voice on KFXX
Sports radio, the "Fan", KFXX AM 910
(and now also AM 1390 in Salem), celebrates expanded
coverage with a new local sports talk show in December. Neil Buchan is the new host
from 6 to 9 pm, replacing New Yorks Scott Ferrall.
- Schonely returns to radio
Veteran NBA announcer Bill Schonely returned courtside with play
by play broadcasting, this time with the Oregon State Beavers. Schonely
subbed for another excellent sportscaster, Darrell Aune, who underwent
eye surgery on December 17th. Oregon State basketball games are broadcast on KEX, the station that also anchors Portland TrailBlazer
games (when the abbreviated season begins).
- Sports radio adds Salem frequency
Sports radio KFXX AM 910 expanded its coverage area southward by
picking up the AM 1390 frequency in Salem. AM 1390 is
Salems oldest radio station and began simulcasting with AM 910 on December 17th.
When KFXX swapped frequencies with KKSN (AM 1520) last
March, scores of listeners to the south reported reception problems, due to the
directional pattern of the signal, terrain and other factors. AM 910 transmits from a
location east of the Portland airport.
- Fan lives on KEX billboard
An avid fan of the Portland TrailBlazers,
Marty Anderson, has pledged to live on a Portland billboard
until the NBA lockout/players walkout ends and the season
begins. Anderson began his round the clock residency on November 3rd. The KEX live-in billboard is located at the East end of the Ross Island
bridge on Powell boulevard. KEX is the flagship station for Portland TrailBlazers
basketball games. The lockout ended on January 6, 1999 and Marty was awarded a trip to
Hawaii to thaw out.
- KOTK launches local talk shows
KOTK adds a Portland originated talk show to its Saturday night
lineup. Mike Chase (previously mornings on alternative KNRK),
hams it up with weekend listeners from 8 to 10 pm. KOTK introduced
its first weekday live and local talk show to the 50,000 watt lineup on November 2nd. Rick
Emerson replaced Dallas Dr. Toni Grant in the afternoon
from 12 to 3 pm. Emerson sounds like a cross between Tom Leykis and KXLs Gary McNamara.
- Rich writes screenplay
KINK morning newsman, Mike Rich has found
himself being courted by Hollywood movie agents. Rich, a finalist in the Academy
awards annual screenwriting competition, was awarded $25,000 by
the Academy foundation on October 15th. Mike beat out 4,500 other entries
to score as one of five finalists. It started for Mike when on the side, he began
composing screenplays and submitted one called "Finding Forrester"
to competition. Pretty good effort considering Mike has no formal screenplay
training; he started by picking up hints at the library. Mike says he
feels "nervous and anxious" awaiting the final decision from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
- Jacor sells to Clear Channel
In another move of large corporate acquisition, Portlands largest
radio owner, Jacor Communications, was sold to Clear Channel Communications. In a deal announced
October 8th, Clear Channel will acquire Jacors 230 U.S. radio
stations for $4.4 billion. Jacors radio division and name will stay intact,
including outspoken C.E.O. Randy Michaels, who was recently quoted as
saying, "we can focus more on making newspapers relevant primarily to those training
pets". See Portland Radio Ownership for the Portland
ownership tally.
- Allen buys KXL
Paul Allen, owner of the Portland
TrailBlazers and other high profile activities in the Pacific Northwest, purchased KXL AM and FM from Les Smith for a rumored $50
million on October 6th. Les has owned KXL since the mid-fifties, when it
was just a daytime AM radio station transmitting on green fields where the Clackamas Town
Center shopping mall is now located. During Less reign of KXL he co-owned the
station for a time with celebrities Danny Kaye and Frank Sinatra.
As a tribute to hard working service, Les awards each KXL employee one week's
salary for every year they've been with the station. KXL is Allenss first
foray into radio broadcasting.
- Ancheta does the blues
Bob Ancheta moves his Sunday night blues show to KINK from 7 to 10 pm. Anchetta features live interviews and hoe-downs
from KINK's Jefferson street studios.
- Mychal moves to KEX
Former Portland NBA star Mychal Thompson signed with KEX to anchor the evening Sportsline show, replacing Mike
Parker in early October. Thompson previously was at sports radio KFXX and teamed up with another ex-NBA athlete, Kermit
Washington in the afternoon.
- Clinton offered $500,000
K-News is offering President Clinton
an easy way out of his troubles. $500,000 to host a show at the
station for one year. No word yet if Clinton may take up the offer.
- Marconi nominations
Two Portland radio stations have been nominated for the 1998
Marconi awards a citation of excellence sponsored by the National Association of Broadcasters. K-103
(KKCW) was selected in the adult contemporary category and under
contemporary hit radio, Z-100 (KKRZ). Five
stations from each category throughout the U.S. are nominated with the final winners
announced on October 17th.
- JJ Changes
KWJJ moved mid-day guy Craig Lockwood back to nights. Lola
Montgomery is the new mid-day host. In cost cutting moves,
morning show producer John Windus, late night guy Joe Casaveti,
and night man Mark Lacy have been relieved of their duties. KWJJs
ratings have dropped since last winter. See Portland
Radio Ratings for more info.
- AM 1010 bucks talk for Cowboy Country
AM 1010 KXYQ local talk took a sharp turn in format, changing
to cowboy country on Monday, August 3rd. Cowboy music plays all day until sunset
except from 11am to 1pm when the Dream Weaver local sports show continues
- Rosie-105 adds jocks
Rosie-105 added live voices to the line-up in late July. Karina
(formerly Daryl Summers, now music director) is the mid-day jock. Tim
Taylor does afternoons, and Mary Rivers nights. Ex-105 program
director Chris Miller was shown the door. The search is on for a new P.D.
and morning show personality.
- New radio voice for the TrailBlazers
Bill Schonelys replacement for Portland Trail Blazer play by play broadcasting is Brian
Wheeler. Wheeler, age 36, has previous broadcast experience in Chicago, Seattle,
and most recently in Sacramento. Hell begin Blazer broadcasting in October when the
exhibition season starts.
- Chase out at KNRK
Mike Chase was eased out of the morning show at KNRK at the end of June. Newcomer Bill Prescott,
formerly with KUFO, takes over the duties along with Daria.
Before joining the KNRK morning show in April, Prescott was the butt of many of Mike
Chases jokes, during the time both were competing on opposite stations.
- K-Earth becomes K-Rosie
KKRH (Earth 105) switched format on June 5th
from classic rock to medium rock of the more recent eighties and
nineties. The new name for KKRH is "Rosie-105" The
format features popular artists, targeted towards women ages 18 to 35. KKRH was
recently acquired by Entercom communications.
Entercom also owns KGON with a classic rock format.
- Radio web page gazette
K-103 FMs official web page went online Monday, May
12th. But, many Portland listeners trying to access the web site got a "no web page
found" error for several days. Coincidentally, the web site could be
accessed from other locations in the US. After straightening out the
glitches, the K-103 web page is now open for viewing in Portland and
across the entire Internet. The K-103 website address is
moved into new state of the art "all digital" studios
at the beginning of May. During the move, the web pages for each station
became unavailable. A station representative says they hope to have the
web pages back online in the next few days.
- Portland's first expanded band frequency
Recently, the FCC opened up the right side of the AM band (1605
kHz to 1705 kHz) for commercial broadcasting. An "approved" AM station could
move its frequency up to the less congested expanded band and also
increase its transmitter power. Crawford broadcasting, owners of
AM 1290 KKSL (5,000 watts) have taken up this offer and put AM
1640 KKJY (10,000 watts) on the air in May. KKSL and KKJY have duplicate
programming. Crawford has 5 years to extinguish either AM 1290
or AM 1640. Only newer AM radios can pick up the expanded band frequencies.
- Schonely Says Goodbye
Portland TrailBlazer play by play broadcaster Bill Schonely
bid farewell to listeners and fans on Thursday, April 30th. It was Schonely's last
broadcast of Blazer basketball as the season ended with the L.A. Lakers eliminating the
Blazers in the first round of the playoffs.
Schonely began NBA broadcasting the TrailBlazers first
game in 1970. With 28 years of play by play announcing,
Schonely held second place in NBA broadcast longevity.
The TrailBlazers have decided to bring in a new voice for next season.
to Schonely's last broadcast with
. (You need the RealAudio player, version 3 or
greater, and at least a 28.8 modem connection)
- Changes at KXL-FM
Scott Thom leaves the afternoon shift at KXL-FM. Ruby
Blake moves up from evenings, and Terri Magnuson fills the empty
night chair.
- Prescott to KNRK
Bill Prescott (formerly with KUFO) joins the morning team at KNRK
on April 22nd.
- KKSN and KFXX trade frequencies
KKSN AM 910 and KFXX AM 1520 swapped frequencies on March 30th.
KFXXs sports format shifts down the dial to AM 910, and the music of Sinatra, Neil
Diamond and the Sandpipers swings up to the top of the AM radio dial to 1520. Transmitter
power and facilities remain the same. Recently, KKSN-AM was acquired by Entercom
communications, owner of KFXX. Portland radio owners shows
ownership holders in Portland. To hear what was on AM 1520
in 1964 see Portland Radio History.
- ABC's Jarrett comes to K-News
ABC radio and television newsman Greg Jarrett
began anchoring the K-News (KEWS) morning show on
March 12th. Jarrett, who has covered hot spots around the work like the Gulf War, is
settling in Portland to enjoy the scenery and outdoor activities. "Besides, it will
be nice to go to work without having to wear a bulletproof vest", Jarrett commented.
- Women duo begin at KBBT
In a Portland radio first, KBBT (the Beat) began a
morning show with a woman majority on March 16th. Gina Micciulla anchors,
Rebecca Marshall does the news, and Cort Webber acts to
balance the fairer sex.
- Anchetta and others leave Earth-105
Longtime Portland radio personality Bob Anchetta left
Earth 105 FM (KKRH) on March 10th. Anchetta held the afternoon slot and
previously was with KGON and KVAN.
Also out the door are mid-day guy Adam Fendrich (to New York) and morning
half Tom Turner.
- 4 new morning shows hit Portland radio
Portland radio listeners are in the midst of four new morning radio
shows to hear. In addition to Howard Stern who debuted on KUFO, March 9th, KWJJ changed its morning
line-up and identity on the same day. KKJZ changed their morning
team on February 24th. KBBT starts a woman duo in
the morning on March 16th.KWJJ now calls itself "New
Country -- JJ 99.5". Jim Bosh from Detroits WWWW
(where Howard Stern got famous) replaces Craig Lockwood in the morning.
Traffic reports are handled by U-Turn Lavern (from Klamath Falls). Chuck
Knopf (was at KFXX) does the news and John Windus produces.
Lockwood moved to mid-days replacing Kelly McRae.
KKJZ moved morning man Gordon Lee to the position of
promotions director. Paul Warren (program director) takes the morning
helm with Carren Sheldon (was with WMMO, Orlando). K.C. Cowan
leaves the station.
- Stern does mornings on KUFO
New Yorks Howard Stern made his Portland radio debut March 9th on 101.1
FM KUFO. Stern, dubbed the King of Sleaze,
by critics offended by his adventures into the realm of indecency, beams
his show into Portland from 3 to 10 am. The Federal Communications Commission has levied
nearly $2 million in fines against Stern in the past. Fans of Stern
praise his wit and originality on the radio. Stern replaces Bill Prescott
and newsman Bill Jackson. Also axed at KUFO, afternoon voice and
longtime Portland broadcaster Glynn Shannon.
- KKEY becomes KKGT
AM 1150 KKEY changed its call sign to KKGT
on March 1st. The "GT" standing for "Great Talk".
Beginning Monday, March 9th, more local talk began. Gubernatorial candidate Bill
Sizemore hosts a Wednesday show from 3 to 5 pm. New owner J.J.
Mckay holds the microphone on Monday afternoons.
- New Z100 program director
Tommy Austin replaces Ken Benson as the new
program director of KKRZ. Austin comes to Portland from
Minneapolis. Benson goes to New York as v.p. of MTV.
- KUPL's Rogers becomes Operations Manager
KUPL morning man and program director, Lee Rogers sliped into
the Operations Manager position at the country station on February 17th. Rogers will
continue anchoring the morning show. Cary Rolfe assumed program
director duties on the same date.
- KKSN and Earth 105 for sale again and again and again...
Heritage Newscorp, owner of KKSN AM and FM and KKRH (Earth 105 FM),
plus 21 other U.S. radio stations, spun off its radio properties to Sinclair
Communications. Sinclair's 1.3 billion dollar deal closed at year end 1997.
Then, two large U.S. radio corporations, Jacor and Entercom,
began litigation over the right to purchase Sinclair's radio properties. At the end
of January, Entercom came out the winner and will take ownership of KKSN and KKRH.
Full transfer will probably not occur until June, pending F.C.C. approval. Portland Radio Owners shows the current Portland radio
ownership line-up.
- Numme becomes KUFO/KBBT operations manager
Dave Numme was named Operations Manager of KUFO and The
Beat (KBBT) in late January. Dave will still hold the Program
Director title of KUFO. He joined the station in 1991.
- Ice storm silences classical KBPS-FM
Non-commercial classical station, KBPS-FM was knocked off the air
for a couple of days during Portlands mid January ice storm. Ice cracked and damaged
the antenna which plunged to the ground. Thanks to American Radio
Systems, KBPS was able to jury rig a temporary antenna and return to the air at half
power. Repairs should be completed in February. KBPS is owned by a public radio
foundation of the Portland school district.
- New voice mix comes to KXL-FM
More changes coming down at KXL-FM as former KINK weekender David
Schult hops aboard. Besides changing the music selection, new program
director Carl Widing has relaxed the "Mix 95.5"
format by easing the audio processing, dropping the jingles and instructing the jocks to
stop screaming.
- KKEY radio sold
On January 1st, Florinda Weagant sold AM 1150 KKEY,
the station her family put on the air in 1954. KKEY, originally touted as
a "high fidelity" music station, has been known as a local two-way talk station
for more than 23 years, even before talk on A.M. was cool. New owner J.J. Mckay
has changed the on-air lineup. Syndicated talker Alan Colmes from New
York anchors the 6 to 10 am time zone. Local talks hosts will chat it up
from 10 am to noon and 3 to 5 pm. Mary Matalin is added to the noon-3 pm
time slot, with venerable Bruce Williams on from 5 to 7 pm.
Twisting the Portland Radio Dial -
Twisting the Portland Radio
- 2000
Twisting the Portland Radio Dial - 1999
the Portland Radio Dial - 1997
Twisting the Portland
Radio Dial - 1996